The Rise and Fall of a 10th Grade Social Climber

Mimi moves from Houston to New York. Her parents have separated and are on their way to a divorce, and Mimi moves from her mother's home to her father's. Her mother is the one who wants to end the marriage, having found someone else she is in love with.

In New York, Mimi attends a school that is run very differently from most others, and begins making friends. She has a chance to get into a clique of the most popular girls and takes that opportunity, although she basically turns her back on her other friends.

The new group she's in consists of girls whose parents are rich, and the girls fit the stereotype of the spoiled rich brats.

At the same time, Mimi is keeping a diary in which she disses both her old and her new friends.

Which brings up a good saying; trust no one. Things happen that involve her diary, a boyfriend (sort of) that Mimi makes out with, disaster striking one of the girls in the popular group, Mimi's exile and redemption, and so on.

It's a fairly good novel, although, at times, it seems to drag a little. I'm glad it turned out the way it did at the end.

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