Deep Wizardry

This is the second book in the wizardry series, and in this one Kit and Nita have to work with whales and other sea creatures in order to prevent a dark power from rising in the ocean.

They both end up having to transform into whales, battle huge sea beasts, handle their parents, and prevent Nita's little sister from finding out too much about what is really going on.

It's really a good book, especially with the parts about the whales and how they get along, and the huge shark that seems to be immortal.

It's also interesting in how it turns the concept of wizardry sort of on its head, as the younger the wizard is, the stronger he or she is. Older wizards end up as teachers and researchers, basically. I tend to find this a little odd, in that the really young people who have the most power are also those with the least experience in life overall, and their views of the world and their understanding of the world are not really as mature and developed as those of slightly older people.

In other words, great power is given to those who have the least experience in living, and who could easily make some serious mistakes because of that.

Still, the series is very good and this is a very interesting and good entry in the series.

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