Bad Girls Don't Die

This is a well done young adult horror story. Alexis is in high school, and her younger sister, Kasey, is thirteen. Their mother is basically married to her job. Alexis has few friends, and is basically pretty much a social outcast.

Kasey begins to act strangely, and Alexis gets more and more worried about her. For a while Alexis thinks she, herself, is the one going crazy, but she realizes that Kasey is acting more and more schizophrenic all the time, with part of her seeming to be pure evil.

Kasey's actions not only affect Alexis, but they also affect her own parents and various people that Alexis knows from school. One of those girls helps Alexis do some research on what is going on, and they realize that the house Alexis lives in has a history of death and suffering.

Matters get more and more wild, and it becomes a question of whether or not Alexis can stop her sister from killing her and a whole group of other people.

The story is well done, very interesting, and well worth reading.

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