Down to the Bone

The story starts out with Laura being in love with Marlena for around two years. They both live in Miami and are part of the Cuban group. Everything falls apart when the two are caught in bed together and Laura's mother goes nuclear, calling Laura basically every version of disgusting pervert one can imaging. Laura is expelled from the Catholic school she is attending and then, to top that off, her mother kicks her out of the house and won't allow her to return until she is a nice, straight girl with a boyfriend.

Fortunately, Laura has some friends she can stay with so she does that. She tries to deny that she's attracted to other girls, going so far as to try and have a 'normal' relationship with a boy. That's complicated by her meeting another girl she has fallen for really hard.

Eventually she is true to herself and her feelings.

The story does show the level of prejudice against gays, lesbians, etc, in the Cuban community, and just how strong that hatred is, even including a mother throwing her own daughter out of the house because of it. As many in the g/l/b/t community attempt, Laura tries to deny her feelings and tries to fit in and pass herself off as straight. So the story does reflect what happens to people in 'real' life.

On the other hand, the story has the feeling of being padded. The entire story could have been told in maybe half the space without really leaving anything important out. At times the story gets very close to being plain boring.

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