Don't You Dare Read This, Mrs. Dunphrey

Tish Bonner has a class at school where the teacher requires the students to keep a journal and turn it in every so often. They are, though, allowed to lead their entries with a request for the teacher not to read that entry.

Tish is having a terrible time at home, and the journal is her only way of getting out her anger and her fear. Her father is abusive when he's there, but he's usually missing. Her mother is lost in a fairyland of her own thoughts, thinking her husband and she can get back together.

Finally, her mother leaves to search for her husband, leaving Tish to care for her young brother, but having almost no money. Their situation continues to get worse. In the end, its her journal that will save Tish and her brother.

A very moving and at times upsetting read, but still very good.

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