Witch Season: Fall

Season Howe is still on the loose and Kerry has gone to find Mother Blessing to obtain the training she thinks she'll need to confront Season once and for all. As with anything, though, matters don't always go according to plan.

Kerry does find out more about the history of what happened concerning Season Howe, and she gets a chance to study more of Daniel's journals. Mother Blessing instructs her in various powerful spells and teaches her about ancient power words. Meanwhile, some of Kerry's friends locate Season and Josh is on the front lines, a place not exactly healthy to be.

Season then attacks Mother Blessing and Kerry at Mother Blessing's swamp home. The result is basically a draw, but it opens a situation where Kerry begins to have some very serious questions about everything that has happened, and whether or not she is being lied to by Mother Blessing herself. Perhaps nothing is as it appears to be.

A good second book in the series.

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