The Importance of Being Gordo

As with the other books in this series, there are two stories. In the first, Gordo becomes involved in a role-playing game, and in the second Gordo videotapes students at school on the sly and enters a film competition with the result.

The second story is sort of cute, but also somewhat disturbing as Gordo is able to leave his camera lots of different places and no one notices it is there, which doesn't say much for the school's security. Although he blurs out the faces of the students in the film, he still never asks their permission to film them or to include them in the film, and that's sort of unethical and possibly not even legal.

The main problem is with the first story, though. It could have been written by a religious fanatic who thinks all role playing games are direct from Satan. Gordo gets involved in a game and goes overboard on it, his grades suffering as a result along with his relationship with Lizzie. The story is using the most extreme form of obsession with role-playing and ignoring the much more common and much more normal type of role-playing games that really predominate in the market.

I think this has to be the weakest and most objectionable book of them all in this series.

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