Gothic Lolita

This is a rather unusual book. It's centered on two girls. One is Chelsea, who lives in Los Angeles, has a mother, and has a brother who has disappeared. Miya is the other girl, who lives in Tokyo. She also has a brother, although he is alive but has learning difficulties. She and her brother are currently living in an orphanage. There are two links tying them together; the Internet, and Chelsea's mother.

The interest between the girls is based on their blogs.

The writing style of the book is unusual. It's really like reading a diary, although a diary where capitalizing the first word in a sentence isn't considered necessary. The book also has a number of arty photographs in it.

It's a style that may turn some people off. I think it's the type of book that you really need to read all the way through before coming to any kind of final conclusion. I had my doubts as to its quality at times but, after reading it all, I decided that it was an interesting book, although certainly not among my favorites. It's basically all teenage angst in almost pure form.

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