Help Me

This is the story of Karen, a girl in high school who is beginning to display some rather bizarre behaviors. Her aunt had tried to kill herself some years before; her mother's behavior is extremely erratic, and Karen starts to cut classes, smoke, and acts wild one moment and utterly down the next.

She gets into trouble at school and refuses to talk to the school's psychologist. She ends up losing her boyfriend, her best friend and, later in the story, she loses someone else to suicide.

It's a long time before Karen is able to realize that her behavior is not what it should be, to say the least. The main question becomes whether or not she will seek help before it becomes literally too late for her.

The book is written in a very good style, showing Karen's gradual descent into near-madness, and how her behavior impacts on other people around her. It also shows that there is help for people who have behavorial problems, although the person needs to first realize that they have a problem before they, themselves, will seek help.

It can also be an upsetting book for some readers due to how realistic it is.

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