Hex Hall

Sophie Mercer helps out a girl with getting a prom date, but this goes terribly wrong and disaster follows. Since Sophie is a witch, the Council (there's always a Council in charge) forces her to attend Hecate Hall which is basically a reformatory for those who misuse their powers. This includes witches, fairies, vampires and shapeshifters (werewolves, werelions, etc).

Sophie is assigned to room with the one female vampire at the hall and finds out the girl who had roomed with her before had been murdered, possibly by a vampire.

There's also a group of nasty dark witches who want Sophie to join their cover, although Sophie doesn't want to.

We also learn there are at least three international groups that try to hunt down and kill those who are like Sophie.

From the beginning Sophie has a hard time fitting in with the other girls basically rejecting her and one teacher in particular seeming to hate her. There's also the obligatory boyfriend possibility in Archer Cross, and the ghost of Sophie's great-grandmother.

There's more murders, more nastiness, and Sophie gets hit with two nasty surprises, one of them that helps explain why so many people there don't like her, and the other that forces her to totally redo her image of herself, and will cause her to make a possibly fatal decision.

This is a really good book, especially with the reformatory school for those with unusual abilities. Definitely worth reading.

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