A Hidden Magic

This is another delightful book by Vivian Velde.

Fairy tales usually have a dashing, charming Prince and a poor country girl who is absolutely taken with him.

Now consider that the Prince might be sort of handsome, but has an extremely annoying personality. Consider, further, that the wonderful country girl (who happens to be a Princess of a rather economically poor kingdom) isn't so taken with the Prince.

Of course, there's different meanings of “taken,” and in one case she is “taken” with him – straight to a forest that she's not supposed to go into. They enter a cottage and the Prince sees a mirror that he just must have, no matter that it would be stealing. Thus, one sleeping Princess and one girl who tries to find help.

But encounters a rather anti-social witch, a not-so-bright giant, a greedy dragon, and a sorcerer whose main ability lies in changing his physical appearance (and that ability comes from a ring he wears.)

This doesn't, of course, count the main nasty of the forest, Malveenya. It also doesn't count the buzzard that turns into a man and the genie in the bottle.

Put it all together and you have another really good story that takes the typical fairy tale world and gives it entirely new twists. It's a relatively short but definitely good read.

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