The Islands At The End of the World

Right off the title is interesting as the "islands" refer to the Hawaiian islands and the "end of the world" is nearly literal.

The story is about a 16-year-old girl named Leilani and her father are on one of the Hawaiian islands while her mother is one a different island. Leilani suffers from epilepsy which is going to complicate things for her. Why?

There's either a meteor hit or a close miss followed by a strange green cloud in the sky. The effect is like that from an EMP which results in electronic circuits that are unprotected being fried so electronic devices stop working. There's also a tsunami at the same time.

World leaders are missing, the stock market drops, contact with the mainland is lost and satellites seem to stop working. The result is predictable as people panic and some become quite violent. There's also prejudice involved as the locals begin to attack the tourists in order to preserve supplies for themselves.

Many people are taken to a military camp which is like the internment camp used for the Japanese Americans during World War II. Leilani and her father decide they need to escape but they face a number of questions. Just how do they escape from a camp with armed soldiers? Can they survive the chaos and violence long enough to try to find some way off the island they are on in order to try to find a way to get to the island they actually live on?

That part gets particularly interesting. This is the first novel in a two-novel series and is quite good.

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