The Voice on the Radio

Janie is adjusting better to having two sets of parents, and her birth-parents and their kids are adjusting to her. Things are also going fairly well with the set of parents that raised her.

Janie also thinks things are going as well as they can with her boyfriend, Reeve.

What she doesn't know is that he's become a disk jockey on a college radio show, and he's been haveing segments about what happened to Janie.

Such a secret can't be kept forever, and it comes out, straining the relationship between Janie and Reeve more than it ever has been strained.

Those are the basics of the plot. After several books, though, I'm beginning to have some questions about Janie. Why did she settle for Reeve? He's not very smart at all. He's a very shallow person. In this book in particular he shows, beyond doubt, that he's more interested in himself and in feeling like 'Mr. Big' than he is in whatever damage he might be doing to Janie and her families.

This doesn't count the fact that he could be leading Hannah right to Janie's door.

To me, once Janie found out what was going on, she should have dumped Reeve like a sack of rocks and gone looking elsewhere for someone that won't betray her. I disagree entirely with the ending of this book. Betrayal of this nature is not something that I think can be forgiven, and the only think I can think of is Janie must not think very much of herself to make the choice she makes about Reeve.

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