The Lovely Bones

Although this isn't a book necessarily found in the young adult section, the main character is Susie, who was 14 on the day she was murdered.

The book is told by Susie from her position in heaven, which isn't exactly what she expected it to be. From her view she sees the troubles her family goes through and the breakup of her parent's marriage. She sees the killer and what he does, and she learns about his other victims.

She interacts, in a way, with her family frequently, and keeps track of the police work in attempting to find her killer.

It's an unusual perspective for a book but it is still, I think, a well done book. There are some people who will think what eventually happens to the killer is sort of a too convenient, too-easily done thing, and to some degree I agree with them, but it's not that bad that it detracts from the rest of the book.

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