Picture This

In this story Lizzie's school is having it's picture day and, like all the other students, she wants to look good when her picture is taken. Unfortunately, putting together the perfect outfit proves ultra-difficult and she ends up wearing a sweater that her grandmother gave her.

There are also subplots about Lizzie's brother staying home for school by faking being ill, and another about a home-made TV program. One of Lizzie's friends gets taken by a security guard for allegedly stealing some lipstick and the difficulty she has with her friend when she doesn't stand behind 100% in her trouble with the security guard.

A lot of different things happening in this book. The pressure to look really good is obvious. The problem with the security guard and possible shoplifting is a modern problem, setting this apart from stories from earlier years (such as the American Girls series.) The nature of friendship, and just what is required for that, is something that is important and not something that is easy to define.

A good story.

Based on episode 2 of the series, Picture Day, and episode 43, In Miranda Lizzie Does Not Trust.

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