Lizzie Goes Wild

Lizzie starts to become friends with a girl named Angel, and the girl is anything but an angel. She's basically a delinquent and she starts to have an effect on how Lizzie looks and behaves. Miranda and Gordo become concerned over how Lizzie is changing.

Miranda and Gordo make up a videotape to show Lizzie to try to get her to realize just how much she's changed and it works.

Meanwhile Matt has been misbehaving (as usual) and this time his parents do away with his bedtime, allow him to stay up all hours (hoping this will teach him a lesson when he realizes he's too young to do that.) He eventually does learn his lesson (remarkably.)

(end of part 1 in the novel)

Gordo gets really interested in Frank Sinatra and the entire Rat Pack era of music. Lizzie and Miranda get interested once Ethan gets interested, and then it becomes a school-wide fad leading to a special dance.

The problem is that Gordo seems to have lost interest in the music ever since everyone else jumped on the bandwagon. Lizzie and Miranda need his help to plan for the dance but he won't be involved.

The dance ends up going well, though, and Gordo realizes that he still likes the music and shows up after all.

Meanwhile Matt is up to trying to set a world record in something but can't manage.

This part is based on Episode 12, Come Fly With Me.

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