
This is an ebook that is really good although it does leave a lot of questions that will hopefully answered in the other two books in the series.

The story revolves around a girl named Bluebell who lives in a city called Concord. There are three other cities with that name and they are somehow connected by underwater tubes. What is not known is why there are only four cities and what happened to the rest of the world. (Actually, we don't even know if this is actually the Earth or an Earth colony.)

The cities are run in a very Nazi fashion with people with arranged marriages for the purposes of reproduction, The state determines how many kids a couple can have. One rule states that any female that is fertile must have at least one child whether she wants one or not.

People have been marked with ID chips in them. Propaganda is everywhere. Bluebell turns out to be a Lush, meaning she has a special tatoo that allows her to have four children or more. She is to be the ambassador to other Concords but at least some questions are slowing arising in her mind.

It's an interesting book and obviously about dictatorships, but there are so many questions left unanswered that it sort of makes it difficult to understand the why of the story since there is nothing to place it in context of anything else.

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