The Education of Mary

The story takes place in 1832 in Connecticut and is an excellent exploration of just how prejudice whites were against blacks even in the North prior to the Civil War.

In this story Mary, 13, who is Black, is working at an all-girl's school. Only white girls are in the school at the time, so one of the two heads of the school tutors her while she does maid-type work around the place. Later her sister is admitted and, before long, the school is changed by those running it from an all-white school to an all-black school.

One of the themes in the, the one about prejudice against blacks, comes into play at the time when various people of the town oppose this change, throwing dung on the school's door, refusing to sell anything to the school, taunting the students, throwing rocks at the students and so forth.

A second theme involves the Underground Railroad, as we learn that not everyone in town is anti-Black and there are some who are actively involved in helping slaves escape from the South and journey north to Canada where they will find freedom.

A third theme, unrelated to the first two, involves an older sister of Mary who has gone to work in a textile mill, and we get to see just how badly the women are treated there.

Finally, a fourth theme again involves the school, but this time the reasons for it's change and just who is using who. Abolitionists are involved, and this increases the problems even more.

Even with four themes in the book, the book works very, very well. It's a very interesting read and reveals a lot about the North and their attitude towards Blacks before the Civil War.

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