The Lost One

The story starts with a girl's parents and sister being murdered in their own home.

Next a girl wakes up with total amnesia. She finds a piece of paper with the name Tianna on it, so that's who she figures she is. She goes to school and finds out she was at a party the night before and left with someone.

One of the girls points out Vanessa, Serena and Jimena to her. Tianna finds out she's supposed to be on the soccer team. Tianna also finds out she has numerous bruises.

Later a couple of guys attack her, and she cannot attack them back; she can only defend herself. She finds out while escaping that she has telekinetic powers.

Jimena and Serena help out Tianna after she's been chased. Later, Tianna takes part with two women in a séance to contact a dead dog. Later, Tianna finds out she had been living with a foster parent.

The situation gets much worse when Tianna ends up in another dimension confronted by an evil blackness, is kidnapped by evil beings, and has to help save the life of one of the girls.

Rather action-packed type of story, fairly good.

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