The Choice

Jimena is in her own past. She has to do something there to save the other Daughters of the Moon in the future. She had a rival at the time named Payasa. Jimena immediately runs into her and some other gang members who all want to beat Jimena up.

Payasa tries to shoot her, and the police end up running Jimena in. She's put into juvenile detention, and later three of the Followers arrive, probably to kill her.

Jimena manages to flee the three evil girls. Later she meets th Catty of that time (which is just a few days in the past.)

Payasa finally realizes what Jimena has been saying is true. Jimena has a vision that one of the Daughters will betray the others.

Jimena has had a vision in which she will die, soon. She also gets told that a sorcerer is behind everything, and the future he wants to create will be ruled by evil.

The action continues and, in the end, there will be one less Daughter of the Moon.

Definitely worth reading.

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