No Compromise with Slavery

William Lloyd Garrison, 1854.

He starts out noting a lot of people don't like him. He refers to slavery as '...the most frightful system of oppression every devised by humanity...'

He notes that the Declaration of Independence says that 'All men are created equal.' He is against anything will would turn a man into a 'thing.' He adds that 'freedom is of God, and slavery is of the devil.'

He notes that there is no slavery in Europe. He compares this to the U.S. where freedom and personal liberty are underlying principles of the nation. He claims that there are many more pro-slavery speakers, etc, than there are anti-slavery.

He then notes the arguments that are given in favor of slavery:

1. The victims are black.
2. The slaves belong to an inferior race.
3. Many of them have been fairly purchased.
4. Others have been honestly inherited.
5. Their emancipation would impoverish their owners.
6. They are better off as slaves then they would be as freemen.
7. They could not take care of themselves if set free.
8. Their simultaneous liberation would be attended with great danger.
9. Any interference in their behalf would excite the ill-will of the South, and thus seriously affect Northern trade and commerce.
10. The Union can be preserved only by letting slavery alone.
11. Slavery is a lawful and constitutional system, and therefore is not a crime.
12. Slavery is sanctioned by the Bible.

He then points out various European countries that would not accept these pro-slavery beliefs. He then says that his form of abolition is absolute and allows no exceptions. 'Every slave is a stolen man.' He points out the Biblical version that God created man in his own image, and he says that this should do away with any form of argument that says one group is inherently superior to another.

'But, if they are men; if they are to run the same career of immortality with ourselves; if the same law of God is over them as over all others; if they have souls to be saved or lost; if Jesus included them among those for whom he laid down his life; if Christ is within many of them "the hope of glory;" then, when I claim for them all that we claim for ourselves, because we are created in the image of God, I am guilty of no extravagance, but am bound, by every principle of honour, by all the claims of human nature, by obedience to Almighty God, to "remember them that are in bonds as bound with them," and to demand their immediate and unconditional emancipation.'

He goes on to talk more about slavery, his main points being that slavery is wrong, that European countries don't practice slavery, and that slavery must be totally done away with, without any exceptions at all.

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