Owl in Love

Owl Tycho is 14 and madly in love with one of her teachers. That's something that's not totally unusual, but in this case there is a technicality that makes things somewhat more difficult.

Owl is a were-owl. She's a shape-changer that transforms into an owl; in fact that's her primary identification, being an owl; being a human is secondary. Her parents are witches, Owl's blood is black, not red, and she eats things owls eat like small mice.

Going along with her story is the story of a young boy who seems to have some kind of serious mental problems; he escapes from confinement and ends up camping out near Owl's teacher's home.

Which ends up leading to Owl finding out about him and a relationship that develops between the two.

It's sort of an ok story if you don't bother really thinking about what you are reading. I did, and it made the story almost impossible for me. I kept thinking of the Law of Conservation of Mass and Energy. If Owl changed form from a human to an owl, her mass either would have to stay the same, or a great deal of energy would have to be given off for things to balance. If her mass remained the same, but her body diminished in size, her density would become too great for her to fly.

Owl's being a were-owl is sort of referred to when a curse is mentioned, which then implies magic and scientific laws no longer necessarily hold, but the curse mention is sort of off-handed. Basically, you start off with Owl being a were-owl with no real explanation of that.

It's an ok read, as I said, but only as long as you don't really think too much about things.

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