
This is a really good book. Although it's about vampires, it actually supplies a logical explanation for the vampire myth, and proceeds in a way which makes sense and is logical at the same time.

Cal is the main character. He's a carrier parasite-positive, or Peep. Vampirism is caused by a particular parasite (and there is a great deal of information in the book about a number of parasites and how they do their thing, where they live, how they get from host to host, etc.) He has infected some women with the parasite, and it's his job, as part of the Night Watch (a terrible name, really, since it reminds me so much of the Night Watch organization from Babylon 5).

Along the way, though, he finds out that what is going on is way, way more complicated than he ever expected, that there are different types of parasites that lead to different types of vampirism, that the carriers are not just humans and rats, and that the greatest threat to the human race is not the vampires at all.

There's a lot of action and a lot of description, both, in the novel. It's really good, and is one of the few books that I have found that is extremely hard to put down. Definitely a must-get.

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