
This book is written from Alisa's viewpoint. She still is not in control of her telekinetic abilities, especially since she is still very emotionally upset about a variety of things.

The situation gets so bad for Alisa that she runs away to her Uncle's house in another city. She finds that the city has its own coven, but there are also family problems and a ghost that she will have to deal with.

She attends a dinner with some other people and her Uncle and it goes really bad, as one of the people seems to look down on her and maybe even hate her. There's an accident, and one of the women at the dinner is hurt.

Alisa kisses her cousin's boyfriend, and later is attacked by flying plates at Sam's house.

Alisa manages to find out exactly who is behind all the telekinetic events, and ends up being given her mother's Wiccan supplies.

This was really a very good story, a very good addition to the series.

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