
The story takes place in 1846 in Ethiopia and is about Saba, a young girl living with her mother and her brother. Their family has been hiding out for a while, now, and Saba has never been told the total truth behind their aversion of other people.

The story unfolds after Saba and her brother are kidnapped, taking to a major city of the area, and where Saba is treated like royalty. She is separated from her brother and is unsure whether he is alive or not.

She learns she's a pawn in the midst of a power struggle, due to be married off to someone she doesn't know. There's a general that is not above massacring village people, an old teacher who has to flee and a variety of other characters.

There is, as with other similar books, a historical section at the end with information on Ethiopia of that time. Altogether an interesting book with a very strong, very courageous young girl.

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