Sevens, book 2: Exposed

Jeremy thinks about what happened when he kissed a guy, and Meena returns home, only to find that the real cause of the fire has been found. Karyn has pressure put on her by other girls since she's still a virgin. Danny is having problems with the medicine he's been taking. Peter gets made fun of at school by a kid who is stoned, and Jane is having problems of her own.

Meena's mother says Meena is going to see a psychiatrist. Jeremy is still denying that he's gay. Karyn and her mother have a major argument. Jeremy finds out that information about his kissing the guy is now up on the unofficial school Internet gossip page.

Jeremy claims to his friends that a “fag” kissed him, and in response he decked the guy. While waiting at the psychiatrist's office, Meena sees Danny coming out. Peter is having trouble with his parents, and keeps remembering whatever it was that happened ten years previously. He has a history as a delinquent.

Danny is having trouble with the medicine he's on, which causes him to be in a perpetual mental fog. Meena has entered a halfway house run by Jeremy's parents, and Jeremy is there. Josh, the guy he kissed, works there sometimes.

Jeremy and Tara break up when he admits that he's gay. Jeremy gets frozen out at school the next day. Jeremy's parents overhear him yelling at Josh and realize he's gay.

Kayrn runs into T.J., her boyfriend, which complicates things since she was starting to have feelings for Reed. Meena and Peter might be at the start of a relationship. Jeremy's father yells at him over being gay. He tells Jeremy that he's not gay, he's just confused.

Jeremy things he's going to be beat up at school, but Reed stands by him. Danny is supposed to be writing some music for Jane, but he can't. Jeremy's father again yells at him, and Jeremy decides to leave his home forever.

A good second book in the series. Keeping seven characters interesting at one time, (not counting the supporting characters), is a difficult job, but the author, so far, is managing to do that job quite well.

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