Sevens, Book 6: Betrayal

Reed scores a winning touchdown, and Karyn has broken up with T.J. Jeremy is still unable to go home, and Reed gets an offer for starting quarterback position for Boston College, but it means he would get the position and not his brother, who is already attending there.

Meena finds out a friend of hers is going to work as an assistant to the teacher that seduced her. T.J. thinks he's going to be the starting quarterback, and Reed is made at the school guys for not telling him they weren't planning to do that at all.

T.J. tells Reed that he slept with Karyn, but she dumped him. Karyn, Peter, Cori and Danny all help Jane figure out which things she should drop. Jane later talks to her parents and tells them about the extracurricular activities that she plans to quit and they get really, really angry.

Jeremy and his father manage to come to at least a temporary peace, and Jeremy will be moving back home.

Reed will be the starting quarterback at a college the next year, and that means TJ is not going to get the position he thought he would. Jane has another talk with her parents, and things go better this time.

Reed tells his mother and TJ about the starting position, and his mother gets really angry with him. Peter is with Meena when she finally tells her parents that Steven had raped her.

Reed and Karyn finally come to an understanding that they are in love with each other.

Things move rather rapidly in this book in the series. A lot of good things are happening, which causes me, naturally, to wonder what really bad thing is going to happen in the last book in the series.

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