Shadowed Summer

Two young girls, Iris (14), and Collette, and their friend Ben become involved in investigating the disappearance some years previously of a boy named Elijah. Things start when they use an ouija board (in the book it's called a witchboard) and spells to try to get in touch with Elijah. She ends up hearing his voice and even seeing him for a moment.

Things go bad rather quickly, especially for Iris whose home is trashed. Rocks appear from nowhere and her room is damaged. (The events mimic the typical poltergeist phenomena). Despite this, the three continue to investigate, talking to various people who knew Elijah and trying to figure out what happened to him. Iris' father seems to be involved, somehow, in the disappearance.

So Iris wants to find out what happened to Elijah, how her father was involved, and what can be done to stop the frequent rain of rocks in her room. The end result makes sense.

The story, though, shows the danger of becoming involved in paranormal activities without having any kind of an understanding of just what is involved. First, do not mess with ouija boards. Period. Do. Not. Use. Them. There is a possibility that using them (particularly adolescents using them) can result in negative energies being summoned and problems caused. The girls also have their own 'spellbooks' and practice 'spells,' but they seem to have no actual knowledge of real spell-casting or spellbooks. This type of dabbling in the paranormal can again lead to problems, as happens in the story.

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