Revenge of the Snob Squad

This is another book by Julie Anne Peters, who wrote the excellent book Define Normal. This series is meant for slightly younger readers, however, but it still shows her considerable writing talent.

In this case, there are four girls in middle school. Jenny Solano is the main character and she has an eating problem. She eats constantly and almost always junk food so she is quite a bit overweight and gets made fun of a lot. Prairie is a young girl born with a deformed foot and also gets made fun of, as does Lydia, who a klutz, and Max who is an outcast also being quite tough and capable of handling any threat from the boys.

The girls end up banding together and forming the Snob Squad, dedicating themselves to getting back at the ones who have been making their lives miserable. Their revenge ideas continually backfire, though.

The strength of the story is in how the four girls come together and become fast friends. We see that their lives are not simple at all, each girl having her own personal difficulties, but together they are able to grow stronger and learn how to get by in school without feeling like they are constantly being picked on and at the bottom of the social heap.

Even their tormentors have their own stories and problems.

The first book in this series is really good, well written and dealing with some very realistic problems young girls might encounter in school, but it also shows how to face those problems and not let them get the better of you.

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