
This is the third book in the UGLIES series and it's the best of the three. Even though the first two books were quite good, this one is even better. Tally has become a Special, a person sent to hunt down the Smokies. Her friends have also become Specials and they together form an elite unit.

Tally wants Zane to escape from the city, be caught and brought back, and then given the operation that makes people a Special so that he can be cured from what is going on in his brain. What Tally doesn't realize is that this is going to involve destroying the city's armory, starting an inter-city war, flying on a helicopter's underside, and trying to “cure” the doctor behind the Specials.

There's a lot of action that goes on in this novel, but it also doesn't ignore the problems brought up in the second novel, and that's the effect humans have on their environment when they constantly expand their living spaces.

It's also somewhat realistic in that not everyone survives the events.

The UGLIES is a really, really good series and this novel is the best of them all.

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