
This is the 9th book in the Sweep series.

Hunter is due at Morgan's, and it's the meet-the-parents ritual that's going to take place.

Morgan finds out she will be initiated as a witch, but then will have to become an apprentice and have to take tests before being initiated as a blood witch. For now, she will be tutored in magical defenses.

Hunter's parents are in hiding from the dark wave. Hunter gets a mental message from one of them. Morgan, meanwhile, has not been keeping up on her schoolwork at all.

The group has a coven meeting and something attacks them. Later Erin tells Morgan she will teach her magical defenses, and something or someone appears to Hunter and Morgan in the fog.

Morgan's schoolwork has fallen in quality. Alisa tells Morgan she is leaving the coven. Morgan has her first lesson with Erin, and it doesn't go well. Morgan's mother tells her that unless her grades improve she's going to be sent to a Catholic school.

The situation gets worse, and Erin and the others but a binding spell on Morgan's magic. Her father is tracked down by the Council and caught. Alisa becomes severely ill for seemingly no reason. Sky is leaving, and Hunter will be leaving for a few weeks or more. It turns out her father is not the cause of the poltergeist-like things that are happening, though, leaving the question open of just who is causing all the problems.

A pretty good book, although, again, to me, the Council seem sort of high-handed at times.

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