Through the Veil

This ninth book in the series starts off on a downer note. First, Annie remembers that, when she was six, she plugged in some Christmas lights she wasn't supposed to touch. That led to a fire which led to the death of her parents.

Meanwhile, Kate's parents have gone totally control on her, refusing her to have anything to do with Wicca, taking her Wiccan supplies, and even following her to a school basketball game to make sure she doesn't try to sneak out to a Wiccan circle.

Cooper is also having problems, her band-mates not wanting to do the Wiccan-relating songs that Cooper has been writing. She ends up leaving the band.

Anne is going to go to San Francisco to see the house she used to live in. It's possible her dead parents have been trying to contact her on a psychic level.

Then Cooper finds out her parents plan to separate.

The rest of the novel deals with Annie trying to deal with the issue of her parents and whether or not they are trying to contact her; Annie's falling for Tyler; Kate's parents and their continuing objections to Wicca, and Cooper's finding a new friend, but losing the band.

The novel revolves around the issue of prejudice. Mostly, in deals with prejudice against people involved in Wicca, but it also talks briefly about the Nazi death-camps and what happened to the people there, which is another form of prejudice.

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