A Well-Timed Enchantment

This is another book by Vivian Vande Velde, and yet another good one from her.

The story is about Deanne who is spending her summer in France (not enthusiastically, I will add.) She stops at a well in the forest, and starts to make a wish. Her Mickey Mouse watch falls off and drops into the well.

That would be bad if all she had lost was her watch. But, because the watch fell through a time portal, a variety of things were set in motion. A few things are set to happen like the total lack of a feudal system ever being established, religious disorder, various wars, no Renaissance, no discovery of America, a worsened bubonic plague, and so onl

All because a watch was found in a time when such a thing never existed.

Anyhow, it's up to Deanne and her cat, Oliver, to go into the past and get the watch and prevent the changes from happening. Which is somewhat difficult when your cat turns into a guy, two brothers fight for your affections, a magician might be evil (and might not), and time is running out.

It's a really good story, not too serious, good bits of humor, good characters, Velde's typical writing quality. Definitely worth reading.

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