
This is a really good book about a sort-of post apocalyptic world. The world now has various cities that are divided into areas for "uglies" and areas for "pretties". When a person turns a certain age they are operated on and become a "pretty", move to a new part of the town and have a life filled with fun. The "uglies" live in dorms as children until they get old enough to have the operation.

The cities are surrounded by ruins of the pre-change world and kids get drawn to these ruins from time to time. Tally, a girl in her senior year in the dorm, is ready and willing to have the operation, but a girl named Shay becomes her friend and basically turns her world upside down.

All isn't as it appears to be. Shay runs away and Tally tries to decide if she wants to or not, but she ends up being taken by Special Circumstances and is put into a position of corraborator. Her task is to find the Smokies, the place where runaways, those who refuse to go along with the system, are hiding.

There's a lot that goes on in this novel and it's only the first part of two. It's a very exciting, very thought-provoking novel and I'm looking forward to reading the second book in the series.

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