Unseen, book 4

Lucy has a problem – there are two people claiming to be Jarrad. Her friend Dakota is injured, and Lucy is sure there are people, or things, that are watching her.

At the hospital Lucy encounters a vampire that tells her she is changing. Later, Lucy and Dakota figure out that there are two beings that are involved with what is going on, not just the one.

Lucy finds out that there is a group of shape-shifters, and there is a king of the group who takes a bride. She will give herself to him willingly, and she loses her soul in the process. They also drink human blood and will eat humans.

The level of violence continues to increase, and we have a a very gory ending to the book.

It's a series that I just didn't like. At a time when most of the young adult books (fantasy and regular fiction) feature girls who grow and take charge of their lives, this series features a girl who doesn't grow at all. She's always on the defensive, always reacting instead of doing anything proactively, and, in the end, she basically turns to the dark side. I really feel that reading the four books was pretty much a waste of time.

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