Witch Hunt

The story takes place in the sixties. Abbey goes with her parents and two brothers to temporarily live in an old house given to them by relatives. The plan is to fix the house up, then sell it.

It turns out the house is very old and very spooky looking. It smells, and everything in it is really old.

She meets Katie and finds out that a girl that lived in the house Abbey is staying in was executed during the Salem Witch Trials as a witch.

Later she runs into a guy who thinks that it's 1693 rather than 1963 (the story being set in the sixties.) She finds out about his history, and the history of Felciity Crane who was hung for witchcraft, and the fact that, somehow, she could project people through time.

Then there's a series of adventures involving time-traveling, insane witch hunters, and a more-than-insane jealous girl. Abbey's own life is in danger, both from the witch-hunters and the insane jealous girl.

This is a really good book. There's a reason it takes place in 1963 which involves time-traveling by getting one's numbers out of order.

Definitely another good book by Wendy Corsi Staub.

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