So You Want to Be A Wizard?

This is an extremely good book about two young friends, Nita and Kit. They end up taking an oath and becoming wizards, Becoming that, though, has consequences, and they end up having to confront ancient, incredibly powerful evil. They have help, though, in that they end up befriending Fred, who is basically a white hole.

They also have to fight intelligent, animated cars, deal with an alternate form of reality, confront a powerful (and slightly senile) dragon and get a magical book from him, and that's just part of what they have to deal with.

The story is told in an extremely realistic manner so it's easy to form mental images of what is happening, and what is happening is always interesting and quite different. It's the type of book that you want to continue reading because everything that is going on grabs your attention. This is definitely an excellent beginning to the series.

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