The Secret of Sarah Revere

Sarah is 13, the daughter of Paul Revere. The book takes place in the earliest part of the Revolutionary War, before it was actually a war but after trouble had already started. Sarah's grandmother is ultra-nasty; her mother is dead, and she ends up getting a step-mother. Her older sister is also nasty to her, so her home life is rather difficult.

Then there's the matter of her father's involvement with his various rides, warning other towns of impending British landings; her feelings for an older man, and her having to adjust to the way the town is split between those loyal to the British, and those in support of the budding revolution.

Here again is the strength of Rinaldi's writing, showing how the historical events are not as simple as they might seem in hind-sight. There are major disagreements about which side to support, and this has an effect not on just the main characters in the novel but on everyone in the town. The British are also shown as having at least some among them who were not bloodthirsty and totally nasty.

It's also interesting that the author shows Paul Revere's regular job, that of silversmith, making various things for other people. He becomes a real person with a real family, real family problems, and difficult choices he has to make along the way.

Another really good book in her series of historical novels.

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