
This is the fifth novel in the Fingerprints series. Most of the book is taken up with Rae's concerns about her relationship with Anthony and her relationship with Marcus, and Yana getting mad at Rae for a letter that she thinks Rae sent here.

The other part of the book deals with Rae's trying to find out more about her mother and the group, and her confrontation with the man who killed her mother and maybe others.

I think the book suffers from the same problems some of the others do, and that is too much time is taken up with the Rae/Anthony, Rae/Marcus relationships. They have become like padding to the main theme of the book with is Rae's power, how she got it, and the death of her mother and others from 'the group.' Dropping most of the relationship material would still allow room for some of it and help the book, but dropping most of it would also end up cutting the series down severely. Unless the last two books are totally different than the first five, the entire series could have been condensed down to maybe three volumes at most.

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