Cast Two Shadows

The book takes place during the Revolutionary War. Caroline is the main character of the book. Her father has been put in prison by the British. She's in South Carolina, and the British have arrived. They take over her family's house, use their provisions, and take her favorite horse.

It's basically a book about a family living under occupation by a foreign power, complicated by the fact that the country itself is divided into those who are rebels, and those who are still loyal to the British government.

She ends up having to go on a mission to rescue her brother, who has been injured. At the same time, she is coming to terms with the fact that she found out she is part black, even though her physical appearance gives no trace of that.

There's also a number of things in this book that show just how cruel the British wore when they carried out their occupation, some of their activities not being that very different from some things done in World War II.

Also, as with her other historical books, the author includes a section on the factual history underlying the book, and those sections always make for good reading in themselves.

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