The Clue of the Dancing Puppet

This story concerns an amateur theater group called the Footlighters that Bess is in. George has been involved in tennis tournaments. Mr. Drew has a client which is involved with the theater at the Van Pelt Estate.

There's a problem with some kind of dancing puppet that appears and then disappears, so Nancy and George go to the estate to join the Footlighters and Bess and try to find out what is going on.

There's a nasty character named Tammi who is an actress and opposed to the girls joining, and who is quite opposed to Nancy.

The girls do their normal sleuthing and find a witch puppet in a hayloft. As the mystery deepens it becomes evident that there are four puppets, not just one, and that someone wants the puppets and they're not a puppet collector. The puppets contain something that they want, badly.

At one point Tammi actually physically attacks Nancy, she's that jealous.

The story is a good addition to the series.

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