The Tail of Emily Windsnap

Emily is a young girl who has never gone swimming. One days he gets in the water and her legs clamp together and change into a tail; it turns out she's a mermaid.

Which puts Emily on a search to answer a number of questions. What happened to her father? Why did he leave or disappear with no trace? Why does her mother have little memory of her father?

The search ends up revealing the existence of a whole colony of mer-people, one of the young mermaids becoming her friend. Emily finds clues about what happened to her father, and it reveals what is basically a mind-control scheme on the part of Neptune, who is real (in this book), working through servants who willingly drug people to alter their memories.

Emily decides to try to free her father from the prison he is being kept in. To do that, though, she must risk being caught and put on trial herself.

It's an interesting story, but one in which there are parallels to the real world, where a despotic ruler uses any means at his disposal to control how people think, and where those who dare act in unsatisfactory ways, even if involves love itself, are thrust into a prison, or exiled to a distant island.

Emily Windsnap and the Monster from the Deep
Emily Windsnap and the Castle in the Mist

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